Scholarship, Health and Life.

I’ve been very quiet on here. The last post I did was back in October when I attempted to complete Blogtober. It may look like I failed at my goal of posting every day, but I did achieve my goal of posting my first artist post on Art and Mental Health AU (AAMHAU), a project that I hold dear to my heart.
Continue reading Scholarship, Health and Life.

Blogtober Day 14

I’m currently 2 days behind. I’ll be a day behind after tonight.
I not long got home from my first physio appointment. Found out that my pelvic floor muscles aren’t all that bad, there’s just a little bit of tension. The main culprits are tissue sensitivity and an overactive, tense nervous system. Not a lot of information I didn’t know, I’d done a butt tonne of research and have been actively working on my health for a few months now.
Continue reading Blogtober Day 14