Scholarship, Health and Life.

I’ve been very quiet on here. The last post I did was back in October when I attempted to complete Blogtober. It may look like I failed at my goal of posting every day, but I did achieve my goal of posting my first artist post on Art and Mental Health AU (AAMHAU), a project that I hold dear to my heart.
Continue reading Scholarship, Health and Life.

Life Update

I’m currently sitting on my bed with a hot water bottle over my stomach. Pretty sure I may have given myself food poisoning. It’s okay though because Merida is just chilling out on one of my knees, watching me type, purring her little head off.
Kind of crazy that the reason I’m breaking a month and a half of silence (sorry guys) is because I’m sick (hi-5, Ashlea).

Continue reading Life Update

Transparent and Honest pt. 2

So here’s something crazy; I’m writing this as I sit outside an Art vs. Science gig, chatting to some guys about how they managed to get into a sold out Polish Club gig for free. Pretty keen to listen to Art vs. Science play for a hour and a bit (for free). My week just keeps getting better and better.
Continue reading Transparent and Honest pt. 2